Synthetic A/A Test
To create a quick A/A test, you can randomly split existing users you already have events for. Create an assignment source using the script below - and you;ll be ready to analyze your A/A test in minutes and see Pulse scorecards light up.
Example script to use -
'AA_Test_1' AS experiment_name, --CAST('AA_Test_1' as varchar) AS experiment_name for Redshift warehouse
WHEN <random_logic> THEN 'Control'
ELSE 'Test'
END AS GroupAssignment
FROM <my_event/metrics_table>
Replace <random_logic>
with the following based your warehouse:
- Bigquery:
mod(abs(farm_fingerprint(cast(user_id as string))), 100) < 50
- Redshift:
mod(abs(farmFingerprint64(cast(user_id as varchar))), 100) < 50
- Snowflake:
mod(abs(hash(cast(user_id as string))), 100) < 50
- Databricks:
mod(abs(hash(cast(user_id as string))), 100) < 50
- Athena:
mod(abs(cast(conv(substr(md5(cast(user_id as varchar)), 1, 16), 16, 10) as bigint)), 100) < 50