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Client vs Server SDKs

Statsig offers both client and server SDKs to enable experimentation and feature management across different parts of your application. This document outlines the key differences and use cases for each type of SDK.


Client SDKs

Client SDKs are designed for applications running on end-user devices, including web, mobile, television, gaming, and other consumer electronics apps.

Server SDKs

Server SDKs are used for server-side applications, APIs, algorithms, and infrastructure improvements.

Implementation Phases

Both client and server SDKs follow three main phases:

  1. Initialization
  2. Checking an Experiment
  3. Logging Custom Events

At a high level, here are some of the key differences between the two types of SDKs:

PurposeA Statsig Server SDK is used on the server-side of your application or service. It is responsible for managing feature gates, configurations, and experiments at the backendA Statsig Client SDK is used on the client-side of your application, which could be in a mobile, web, or any other client-facing part of your product. It allows you to communicate with the Statsig servers (or a Statsig Server SDK) and make runtime decisions based on feature gates and experiments
PrivacyAll evaluation is done on your own server, meaning users will only see what you send back to them in the responseAll evaluations are precomputed on Statsig servers and sent down to you client applications. Names are obfuscated, but a savvy user may be able to glean information from the raw response
PerformanceEvaluations are done real-time, this means that performance is directly tied to the size of your configurations. In practice however, this is rarely an issue and we strive to make our SDKs as performant as possibleAs all evaluation is precomputed, gate and experiment checks are mostly a dictionary lookup with some computation used for creating and flushing exposure events
PropagationThe SDK will continually poll for any changes to your configurations, updating its internal state when a change is detectedClient SDKs only pull changes once during initialization. In practice, this means changes will not be observed until after an updateUser call or session restart (re-initialize)
UsersServer SDKs are designed to run against multiple users, and all SDK methods require a user object up front to workClient SDKs are designed to be run with one user at a time. All evaluations are loaded once up front during initialization
InfrastructureServer SDKs require you to host your own backend servicesClient SDKs run entirely on the client and utilize Statsig's servers

Key Differences

1. Initialization

Client SDKs:

  • Use a client SDK key
  • Take a StatsigUser object
  • Check for cached values in local storage
  • Fetch precomputed configuration parameters for the specified user

Server SDKs:

  • Use a server SDK key
  • Fetch all configuration definitions (rule sets) for local evaluation

2. Checking an Experiment

Client SDKs:

  • Synchronously return variants based on cached values
  • Generate a device identifier (stableID) for experiments without user sign-in
  • Automatically flush exposure checks every 10 seconds

Server SDKs:

  • Evaluate rules locally for each user
  • Require a StatsigUser object with a userID for checks
  • Automatically flush exposure checks every 60 seconds

3. Logging Custom Events

Client SDKs:

  • Automatically flush logged events every 10 seconds
Avoid custom event logging being blocked by third-party plugins

Custom event logging can sometimes be blocked by third-party plugins. As a workaround, you can set up a custom proxy using your domain for log event API calls. For more information, refer to Custom Proxy for Statsig API.

Server SDKs:

  • Automatically flush logged events every 60 seconds

Updating Experiment Configuration

Client SDKs:

  • Configuration persists until next initialize or updateUser call
  • Recommended to call initialize at the start of each user session

Client SDKs

Server SDKs:

  • Poll Statsig servers for updates every 10 seconds by default (configurable)
  • Some SDKs support grpc streaming updates via connecting to the Statsig Forward Proxy

Server SDKs

Best Practices

  • Set default parameter values when fetching config values
  • Use environment tiers for testing in development or staging
  • Implement proper shutdown procedures to ensure all data is flushed

Available SDKs

Client SDKs

Server SDKs

For more detailed information on each SDK, please refer to their respective documentation pages.

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