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Statsig in Expo


To add support for Expo, first, add the Statsig JS client outlined here.

Once the Statsig client is installed, you can add the Expo bindings as described below:

npm install @statsig/js-client @statsig/expo-bindings

Expo Specific Setup

Create a Client

Creating a Statsig client when using Expo has a slight twist when compared to pure JavaScript environments.

Because storage in Expo is async (See AsyncStorage), a warming step is required to load any cache values from disk. This warming performs some AsyncStorage.getItem operations that block the StatsigProviderExpo from rendering.


Render the StatsigProvider

Once the Statsig client is created and the warming step started, we can then pass them into the StatsigProviderExpo component for rendering.

export function App(): JSX.Element {
return (
<StatsigProviderExpo client={myStatsigClient} cacheWarming={warming}>
{/* Render your App */}


All hooks are re-exported from the @statsig/react-bindings package (See Hooks). They can be imported through @statsig/expo-bindings or directly through the @statsig/react-bindings peer dependency.

import { useFeatureGate, useStatsigClient } from '@statsig/expo-bindings';