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Statsig in React Native


Statsig uses a multi-package strategy, so you will need to install both the Statsig client and the React Native specific bindings.

npm install @statsig/react-native-bindings

Peer Dependencies

The @statsig/react-native-bindings package has peer dependencies which may also need to be installed if they are not already in your project.

npm install react-native-device-info @react-native-async-storage/async-storage

React Native + React Specific Setup

The setup for a ReactNative environment is very similar to a plain React environment. The only difference is that you need to use the ReactNative specific StatsigProviderRN. This automatically switches out the storage layer used by the SDK, utilizing AsyncStorage instead of LocalStorage (which isn't available in RN environments).

import {
} from '@statsig/react-native-bindings';

function Content() {
const gate = useFeatureGate('a_gate');

// Reason: Network or NetworkNotModified
return (
<Text>Value: {gate.value ? "Pass" : "Fail"}</Text>
<Text>Reason: {gate.details.reason}</Text>

function App() {
return (
user={{ userID: "a-user" }}
<Content />

The Basics

You can get an instance of the StatsigClient to check gates, experiments, dynamic configs, layers, and log events.

import { useStatsigClient } from "@statsig/react-native-bindings";

const { client } = useStatsigClient();

See the methods you can call on the client below.

Checking a Feature Flag/Gate

You can evaluate a gate by getting the client with the useStatsigClient hook, and then calling checkGate

const { client } = useStatsigClient();
return (
<div>Gate is {client.checkGate('check_user') ? 'passing' : 'failing'}.</div>

Getting a DynamicConfig

You can get a DynamicConfig value by getting the client with the useStatsigClient hook, and then calling getConfig

const { client } = useStatsigClient();
const config = client.getConfig('app_properties');

return (
<div>{config.get('title', 'Default Title')}</div>

Logging an Event

You can get the client with the useStatsigClient hook, and then call logEvent

const { client } = useStatsigClient();
return <button onClick={() => client.logEvent("button_click")}>Click Me</button>

Getting an Experiment

You can access the experiment variant and parameters for the user by getting the client with the useStatsigClient hook, and then calling getExperiment.

const { client } = useStatsigClient();
const experiment = client.getExperiment('headline_test');

return (
<div>Headline Parameter: {experiment.get('headline', 'Default')}.</div>

Getting a Layer

You can access layers and layer parameters for the user by getting the client with the useStatsigClient hook, and then calling getLayer.

const { client } = useStatsigClient();
const layer = client.getLayer('homepage_layer');

return (
<div>Headline Parameter: {layer.get('hero_text', 'Welcome')}.</div>


StatsigClient Outside the Component Tree

In some scenarios, you may need to use the StatsigClient when you are not in the React component tree. Things like background tasks or handling notifications. For these, you can use the Expo specific StatsigClientRN.

import { StatsigClientRN } from '@statsig/react-native-bindings';

const myClient = new StatsigClientRN(
{ userID: "a-user" }

await myClient.initializeAsync();

if (myClient.checkGate("my_gate")) {
// do something cool

Android networking

We have seen reports that the default networking client on react native for android can error out with:

ERROR  [Statsig] A networking error occurred during POST request to

Please let us know if you hit this, but for now the suggested workaround is to append this content-type for all requests:

const customFetcher = (uri, args) => {
args.headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
return fetch(uri, args);

const myStatsigClient = new StatsigClientRN(
networkConfig: {
networkOverrideFunc: customFetcher,

Synchronous Storage with MMKV

Due to the lack of LocalStorage in ReactNative environments, by default the SDK will prefetch all Statsig cache entries during initialization.

If you are utilizing MMKV in your project, and would prefer to use that instead of the default (AsyncStorage). You can provide you own StorageProvider via StatsigOptions.

Something like:

import { MMKV } from "react-native-mmkv";
import { StorageProvider } from "@statsig/client-core";
import { StatsigProviderRN } from '@statsig/react-native-bindings';

function App() {
const [storageProvider] = useState<StorageProvider>(() => {
const mmkv = new MMKV();

return {
isReady: () => true,
isReadyResolver: () => null,
getProviderName: () => "MMKV",
getAllKeys: () => mmkv.getAllKeys(),
getItem: (key: string) => mmkv.getString(key) ?? null,
setItem: (key: string, value: string) => mmkv.set(key, value),
removeItem: (key: string) => mmkv.delete(key),

return (
user={{ userID: "a-user" }}
storageProvider, // <- Passed into StatsigOptions