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Exporting Pulse Reports

How to Export Pulse Data - Cloud Projects


These options apply for Statsig Cloud projects. If your project is a Warehouse Native (WHN) project, see the corresponding section below.

Finding Export Report

You can export your Pulse Results for Feature Gates and Experiments. Simply navigate to the relevant "Pulse Results" page, and click "Export Report". Exporting results can take up to 10 minutes. A notification and an email will be sent when the report is ready, and a link will be available under under Project Settings -> Reports. You can export results only if your Pulse screen has results.

Export Pulse Report Menu

How to Access Pulse Data - For Warehouse Native


These options apply for Statsig WHN projects. If your project is a Cloud project, see the corresponding section above.

WHN lets you access exposures and metric results across all experiments directly in your warehouse through SQL Views defined in your Statsig project through a metric source.


Exposures are automatically written to your warehouse to the table configured in your project setup. You can find the table's location by going to Settings > Data Connection. The table should be located at the {Database Name}.{Schema Name}.{Exposures Forwarding Table Name}, e.g. experimentation.statsig.exposures.


With a SQL View, you have access to values that include experiment metadata like experiment team, experiment tags, target duration, and experiment settings like CUPED and Sequential testing, then each metric’s metadata like metric tags, and all of the metric lifts-same set of results you see on the Console copy. If you want to start using this feature, simply enable it in your project setting Project Settings > Data Connection > Export. Once you have this enabled, we will automatically handle the setup of SQL view in your warehouse as well as the metric source in your Statsig project. We will then automatically export scorecard metric results to your data warehouse each time an experiment is loaded.


Schema of the Results Data Export Table

The default table name used is statsig_daily_results. When exports are enabled, Statsig also autocreates a metric source with this name in your Statsig project.

dsdateThe date when the data was recorded
experimentNamestringName of the experiment
experimentCreatorstringCreator of the experiment
experimentTeamstringTeam conducting the experiment
experimentTagsarray of stringsTags associated with the experiment, represented as an array of strings
experimentStartTsnumberStart timestamp of the experiment, in milliseconds
experimentEndTsnumberEnd timestamp of the experiment, in milliseconds
targetExposuresnumberThe target number of exposures for the experiment
targetDurationnumberThe target duration of the experiment
actualDurationnumberThe actual duration the experiment ran
controlGroupNamestringName of the control group in the experiment
testGroupNamestringName of the test group in the experiment
useCUPEDbooleanWhether CUPED was applied in the experiment
useSequentialbooleanWhether sequential testing was applied in the experiment
metricNamestringName of the metric being measured in the experiment
metricTypestringType of metric
metricTagsarray of stringsTags associated with the metric, represented as an array of strings
higherIsBetterbooleanWhether a higher value of the metric is better
isVerifiedMetricbooleanWhether the metric is verified
metricTeamstringTeam responsible for the metric
absoluteDeltanumberThe absolute change in the metric value between control and test groups
absoluteDeltaCInumberConfidence interval for the absolute delta
relativeDeltanumberThe relative change in the metric value between control and test groups
relativeDeltaCInumberConfidence interval for the relative delta
absoluteDeltaPValuenumberP-value associated with the absolute delta metric result
toplineAbsnumberThe absolute topline metric value for the experiment
toplineAbsCInumberConfidence interval for the absolute topline metric
toplineRelnumberThe relative topline metric value for the experiment
toplineRelCInumberConfidence interval for the relative topline metric
projectedToplinenumberProjected topline metric value based on current data
projectedToplineCInumberConfidence interval for the projected topline metric
projectedToplineRelnumberProjected relative topline metric value based on current data
projectedToplineRelCInumberConfidence interval for the projected relative topline metric
controlUnitsnumberThe number of control group units
testUnitsnumberThe number of test group units
controlTotalnumberTotal value for the control group metric
testTotalnumberTotal value for the test group metric
controlMeannumberThe mean value for the control group
testMeannumberThe mean value for the test group
sequentialTestingAbsoluteDeltaCInumber (optional)Confidence interval for the absolute delta with sequential testing enabled
sequentialTestingRelativeDeltaCInumber (optional)Confidence interval for the relative delta with sequential testing enabled
sequentialTestingAbsoluteDeltaPValuenumber (optional)P-value for the absolute delta with sequential testing enabled

Report Types

There are three types of exports:

  1. Exposures - A table of all exposed users and their first exposures. This is useful for joining on your own internal data, and running custom queries within your own data warehouse. This can also be used to verify who was in the experiment, what group they were assigned to, and when they were first exposed (around 1-25MB). This will contain:

    1. <experiment\>_first_exposures.csv - contains a list of users and their first exposure to the experiment.
  2. Pulse Summary - This provides precomputed summary experimental data for all metrics and test groups including everything that's visible on Pulse (around 10-100 kb). This will contain:

    1. <experiment\>_pulse_summary.csv - contains Pulse aggregate metrics computed over the duration of the experiment.
  3. Raw Data - This provides raw exposures and metrics data at the user-day level. This is best used for manually inspecting data, or recomputing your own statistics (around 10MB-1GB). This will contain:

    1. <experiment\>_first_exposures.csv - contains a list of users and their first exposure to the experiment. If this is the only file you are interested in, you can get this by exporting an "Exposures" report which will be much smaller in size.
    2. <experiment\>_user_metrics.csv - contains a list of experimental users, and their calculated metrics for each day they were enrolled in the experiment.

In WHN, only the Pulse Summary may be exported, as the other two types of data are only stored in your warehouse. The availability of these exports are subject to our retention policy. We hold exposures data for up-to 90 days after an experiment is concluded. We hold raw user-level metrics data for 90 days.

Pulse Summary File Description - For Feature Gates

Column NameDescription
nameName of the Experiment or Feature Gate
ruleName of the Feature Gate Rule.
metric_typeCategory of the metric. Different metric_types are computed differently, including how they're computed in Pulse.
metric_nameThe name of the metric. For event metrics, this is the name of the event.
metric_dimensionThe subcategory of the metric. For example, if you log value in LogEvent, then value will show up as a subdimension. dimension = !statsig_topline indicates that this row reflects an aggregate across all dimensions.
start_dateThe start date for this measurement
end_dateThe end date for this measurement
test_unitsThe number of users in the test group
test_meanThe average value of this metric across test users (or participating units when applicable)
test_stderrThe standard error for the estimate of the mean for test users. This can be used to compute confidence intervals.
ctrl_unitsThe number of users in the control group
ctrl_meanThe average value of this metric across control users (or participating units when applicable)
ctrl_stderrThe standard error for the estimate of the mean for control users. This can be used to compute confidence intervals.
abs_deltaThe absolute difference between the test and control mean (test_mean - ctrl_mean)
abs_stderrThe estimated standard error of abs_delta
rel_deltaThe relative difference between test and control mean, sometimes referred to as lift (test_mean - ctrl_mean)/ctrl_mean
rel_stderrThe estimated standard error of rel_delta (abs_delta/ctrl_mean)
z_scoreThe calculated Z-score

Pulse Summary File Description - For Experiments

Column NameDescription
nameName of the Experiment or Feature Gate
ruleName of the Feature Gate Rule.
experiment_groupThe group of users for which this metric is computed for. For a feature gate, this is pass/fail. For an experiment, this is the variant name.
metric_typeCategory of the metric. Different metric_types are computed differently, including how they're computed in Pulse.
metric_nameThe name of the metric. For event metrics, this is the name of the event.
metric_dimensionThe subcategory of the metric. For example, if you log value in LogEvent, then value will show up as a subdimension. dimension = !statsig_topline indicates that this row reflects an aggregate across all dimensions.
start_dateThe start date for this measurement
end_dateThe end date for this measurement
unitsThe number of users included in this metric estimate.
meanThe average value of this metric across units (or participating units when applicable)
stderrThe standard error for the estimate of the mean. This can be used to compute confidence intervals.

First Exposures File Description

Column NameDescription
unit_idRefers to the unit identifier used in the experiment (eg. user_id, stable_id, org_id)
nameThe name of the gate/experiment
ruleFor gates, this refers to the rule name
experiment_groupThe group the user was assigned to
first_exposure_utcThe UTC timestamp when the user was first assigned to the experiment
first_exposure_pst_dateThe date in PST when the user was first assigned to the experiment
as_of_pst_dateThe date this data was generated
user_dimensionsJSON-formatted key-value pairs describing the user's attributes at the time of first exposure

Unit Metrics File Description

Column NameDescription
pst_dsThe 24hr window the the data refers to. All dates are anchored from 12:00a -> 11:59p PST.
unit_idRefers to the unit identifier used in the experiment (eg. user_id, stable_id, org_id)
metric_typeThe category of the metric
metric_nameThe name of the metric
metric_dimensionThe name of the metric dimension. '!statsig_topline' is the overall metric with no slicing.
metric_valueThe numeric value of the metric
numeratorFor some metrics, we track the numerator
denominatorFor some metrics, we track the denominator