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Slicing by User Properties

Statsig let's you slice results by user properties. Common examples of doing this include breaking down results by user's home country, subscription status or engagement level. image

For Statsig Cloud, these user properties are captured (and frozen) from the properties set on the user's first exposure. Statsig Warehouse Native also adds support for reading them from a warehouse table (Entity Properties). You can always run custom queries on experiments to slice by user properties.

Pre-Computed User Properties

User properties that are frequently used to slice results can be pre-computed when using Statsig Warehouse Native. To do this, you can configure these properties to be pre-computed on the experiment setup page, under the advanced settings. It's also possible to configure team-level defaults for this - or pre-configure it on an experiment template. image

Once configured, you can also apply filters to all metrics on your results. image