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Statsig Platform Overview

Statsig offers two flexible ways to leverage its core products based on your needs: Statsig Cloud (where we host your data) and Statsig Warehouse Native (where you host your data in your own warehouse).

Statsig Cloud

With Statsig Cloud, setting up is simple. Install the Statsig SDK and configure event logging—we handle everything else.

  • You get feature flags and 1 million metered events for free.
  • Enjoy powerful analytics tools such as the Dashboard, Metrics Explorer, and Insights.
  • For more details on the pricing, check our pricing page.

Statsig Cloud is a great choice for those who want to get started quickly without needing to manage infrastructure or data warehousing.

Statsig Warehouse Native (WHN)

If your events and metrics already reside in your own data warehouse and you have a dedicated data team, Statsig Warehouse Native (WHN) may be a better option.

  • WHN allows you to host Statsig’s Stats Engine within your warehouse, enabling you to calculate metric lifts on your pre-existing datasets.
  • You can choose between two methods:
    1. Using 3rd party or your own SDKs: You handle feature assignment and provide us exposure data (you randomize the users).
    2. Using Statsig SDKs: We handle randomization and write data into your warehouse for you.

The first method helps you scale analysis, while the second can 10x your experimentation velocity.

Note: WHN is available only with Enterprise contracts. If you’re interested in this option, check this link or schedule a demo with our Sales team.

Which Model is Right for You?

Below is a summary of key criteria to consider when making your decision between the two modes of deployment:

CriteriaCloud-hostedWarehouse native (WHN)
Data SourcePrimary source of metrics come from Statsig SDKs or CDPs like Segment. Some metrics can still come from a warehouse.Warehouse is the primary source of metrics, making WHN ideal when wanting to reuse existing data pipelines and computation.
Analysis needsAutomated experimentation for every experiment and product launch, especially with metrics derived from event logging.Flexible analysis on top of your existing source of truth metric data.
Data team involvementInvolvement is optional but recommended for experiment design and readouts.Necessary for setting up the warehouse connection and configuring core metrics, but not mandatory for every experiment.
CostsTCO is slightly lower. No warehouse costs involved.TCO includes Statsig license + costs incurred for computation and storage in your warehouse.
ModularityAn integrated end-to-end platform that spans SDKs for feature rollout, experiment execution, analysis, and experiment readouts.Modular: You can opt for the integrated end-to-end platform or choose to use only a subset of capabilities, such as assignment or experiment analysis.

Still unsure! Read this blog post for further information: Statsig Cloud vs Warehouse Native.

Next steps

Once you've decided whether Statsig Cloud or Statsig Warehouse Native fits your organization’s needs, choose the appropriate getting started guide for your first use case:


Have a question or need help getting set up? Our Engineering, Data, and Product teams are ready to answer questions in our Slack community.