Get Started With CURE
By default, CURE will run a univariate regression when enabled - the same as the standard implementation of CUPED.
To add additional covariates
Project Defaults
In project settings under Experimentation, specify default covariates for your company:
Properties with an EPS name attached come from a property source and will always be included. Properties without an EPS come from an assignment source, and will be used if the column exists on the assignment source of a given experiment.
Experiment Settings
Per-experiment, specify additional covariates or remove covariates specific to your analysis:
One tool our framework enables is using metric:metric covariates; for example, using units' pre-experiment clicks as a covariate for units' in-experiment revenue. We decided against using this for several reasons:
- Consistency. It should not be the case that adding a new metric to your analysis significantly alters the results of other metrics
- It's not necessary. If you have key metrics that function as covariates, we recommend explicitly providing these - for all metrics - as a covariate in an entity property source. This achieves the same result, without "black box" outputs coming from unknown metric covariances
Statsig has a strong opinion that throwing in arbitrary covariates based on an experiment's metric selection is a bad practice, and it is better to explicitly include key metric covariates as numerical covariates; please reach out in Slack if you would like to discuss!
Preventing Adjustments
You can turn off CUPED in your pulse results, and can create a project-level setting to enforce this. This will still run CURE, however, which entails some amount of compute cost. To avoid running CURE, you can turn it off on a given metric by unsetting the