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Segments (Console API)

A Segment defines a reusable set of users. You can define a segment based on properties such as location, client device, browser, client application version, or simply using a list of IDs.

For more detail on creating user targeting based on Statsig-derived environment attributes such as location, client device, browser type, and client app version, see the Console API Rules page where all conditions are listed.

API Version:


All requests must include the STATSIG-API-KEY field in the header.
The value should be a Console API Key which can be created in 'Project Settings' > 'API Keys' tab.
To use the 'try it' section on this page, enter your Console API into the box below.

API Version

The Console API is versioned. Each version is guaranteed to not break existing usage; each new version introduces breaking changes. There is currently only one version: 20240601.
Pass the version in the STATSIG-API-VERSION field in the header. For now, this is optional; in the future, this will be required.