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Daily Reports



This is available for Enterprise contracts and needs to be enabled for you, once. Please reach out to our support team, your sales contact, or via our slack channel if you want this enabled.


With data reports we strive for a 10am (PST) deadline but there's always a possibility we land late. For such cases, fallbacks should be implemented with this API.


All requests must include the STATSIG-API-KEY field in the header. The value should be a Console API Key which can be created in 'Project Settings' > 'API Keys' tab.
To use the 'try it' section on this page, enter your Console API into the box below.

Report Schema - type = first_exposures

Column NameData TypeDescription
unit_idstringRefers to the unit identifier used in the experiment
unit_typestringRefers to the unit type used in the experiment
exposure_typestringStatsig Product used: "check_gate" for Feature Gates, and "get_experiment" for experiments
namestringThe name of the gate/experiment
rulestringrule id for both gates; 'experiment' for experiments
experiment_groupstringThe group the user was assigned to
first_exposure_utctimestampThe UTC timestamp when the user was first assigned to the experiment
first_exposure_pst_datedateThe date in PST when the user was first assigned to the experiment
as_of_pst_datedateThe date this data was generated
percentfloatGroup's rollout percent. This is the rule-level pass-rate, or the experiment's group size
rolloutintRollout version number
user_dimensionsstringJSON-formatted key-value pairs describing the user's attributes at the time of first exposure
inserted_attimestampThe timestamp when this report is generated
rule_namestringRule name for gates; 'experiment' for experiments
group_idstringTrue/False for gates; group_id for experiments
  • After the feature is turned on for you, it will be ready when our pipeline runs. Generally, you can expect it around the time you see cumulative exposures.
  • We commit to maintain the report format including column order and type, but we recommend that you use the column name and cast column type when parsing the file.

Egress exposure data to your warehouse

Besides the exposure reports from the API access, we also offer data warehouse export to Snowflake for our enterprise customers.

  1. At the top of your console, tap the "?" icon and navigate to Tools and Resources -> Exports List. Under the Scheduled tab, create a new connection.
  2. In your Snowflake warehouse, create a custom user for this export purpose.
  3. Run the script to create the table and grant your user permissions to operate on it.
-- create the table
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE <database>.<schema>.<exportTableName> (
UNIT_ID VARCHAR(16777216),
NAME VARCHAR(16777216),
RULE VARCHAR(16777216),

-- grant the custom user privileges to operate on the table
GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON TABLE <database>.<schema>.<exportTableName> TO ROLE <generatedRole>;
  1. Connect. Then StatSig will run tests to make sure all privileges are granted. Once it's successful, you are enrolled in the feature.

Report Schema - type = pulse_daily

Column NameDescription
company_idSTRING, the id of the company
nameSTRING, the name of the gate/experiment
rulerule id for both gates; 'experiment' for experiments
rule_namerule name for gates; 'experiment' for experiments
experiment_groupSTRING, the group the user was assigned to
pst_dateDATE, the 24hr window the the data refers to. All dates are anchored from 12:00a -> 11:59p PST.
metric_typeSTRING, the type of the metric, e.g. ratio
metric_nameSTRING, the name of the metric
metric_dimensionSTRING, the name of the metric dimension. '!statsig_topline' is the overall metric with no slicing
unitsBIGINT, the number of users included in this metric
participating_unitsBIGINT, the number of users participated in this metric
meanDOUBLE, the average value of this metric across units (or participating units when applicable)
totalDOUBLE, the sum of this metric across units
stddevDOUBLE, the standard deviation of this metric across units
stderrDOUBLE, the standard error of this metric across units
varpopDOUBLE, the varpop of this metric
  • New columns may be added in the future.
  • Exposures on the day when a decision is made are excluded from the report, as they are not part of the experiment.
  • Metric values are non-CUPED.
  • After the feature is turned on for you, it will be ready when our pipeline runs. Generally, you can expect it around the time you see pulse results.

Please note that the previous get_daily_reports endpoint has been deprecated. If you were using this endpoint, please migrate to the new version. However, you can find old docs here