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  • name | The name of this rule.
  • passPercentage | Of the users that meet the conditions of this rule, what percent should return true.
  • conditions | An array of Condition objects.
"name": "Public",
"passPercentage": 10,
"conditions": [
"type": "public"


  • type | The type of condition it is.
  • operator | What form of evaluation should be run against the targetValue.
  • targetValue | The value or values you wish to evaluate.
"type": "user_id",
"operator": "any",
"targetValue": ["111", "222"]


All Conditions


Can not be used in conditional segments

  • type: public
  • operator: null
  • targetValue: null
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > Everyone
"type": "public"

User ID

  • type: user_id
  • operator: any | none
  • targetValue: string | number | string[] | number[]
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > User ID
"type": "user_id",
"operator": "any",
"targetValue": ["111", "222"]


  • type: email
  • operator: any | none | str_contains_any | str_contains_none
  • targetValue: string | string[]
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > Email
"type": "email",
"operator": "str_contains_any",
"targetValue": ["", ""]

Custom Field

  • type: custom_field
  • operator:
    • string: any | none | str_contains_any | str_contains_none
    • number: any | none | lt | gt
    • version: any | none| version_lt | version_gt | version_lte | version_gte
    • date: before | after | on
  • targetValue: string | number | string[] | number[]
  • field: field_name
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > Custom
"type": "custom_field",
"operator": "gt",
"targetValue": 31,
"field": "age"

Unit ID

  • type: unit_id
  • operator:
    • string: any | none | str_contains_any | str_contains_none
    • Any: any | none | is_null | is_not_null
  • targetValue: string | number | string[] | number[]
  • field: field_name
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > Unit ID
"type": "unit_id",
"targetValue": ["passingValue1", "passingValue2"],
"operator": "any",
"customID": "a_custom_id"

App Version

  • type: app_version
  • operator: any | none | version_lt | version_gt | version_lte | version_gte
  • targetValue: string | number | string[] | number[]
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > App Version
"type": "app_version",
"operator": "version_gt",
"targetValue": "1.1.1"

Browser Name

  • type: browser_name
  • operator: any | none
  • targetValue: Android | Chrome | Chrome Mobile | Edge | Edge Mobile | IE | IE Mobile | Opera | Opera Mobile | Firefox | Firefox Mobile | Mobile Safari | Safari
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > Browser
"type": "browser_name",
"operator": "any",
"targetValue": ["Android", "Chrome"]

Browser Version

  • type: browser_version
  • operator: any | none | version_lt | version_gt | version_lte | version_gte
  • targetValue: string | number | string[] | number[]
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > Browser Version
"type": "browser_version",
"operator": "any",
"targetValue": ["94.0.4606.81", "94.0.4606.92"]

Operating System

  • type: os_name
  • operator: any | none
  • targetValue: Android | iOS | Linux | Mac OS X | Windows
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > Operating System
"type": "os_name",
"operator": "none",
"targetValue": ["Android", "Windows"]

OS Version

  • type: os_version
  • operator: any | none | version_lt | version_gt | version_lte | version_gte
  • targetValue: string | number | string[] | number[]
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > OS Version
"type": "os_version",
"operator": "version_lte",
"targetValue": ["11.0.0"]


  • type: country
  • operator: any | none
  • targetValue: 2 Letter Country Code
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > Country
"type": "country",
"operator": "any",
"targetValue": ["NZ", "US"]

Passes Gate

Can not be used in conditional segments

  • type: passes_gate
  • operator: null
  • targetValue: gate_id
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > Passes Target gate
"type": "passes_gate",
"targetValue": "a_gate"

Fails Gate

Can not be used in conditional segments

  • type: fails_gate
  • operator: null
  • targetValue: gate_id
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > Fails Target gate
"type": "fails_gate",
"targetValue": "a_gate"


Can not be used in conditional segments

  • type: time
  • operator: any | none | lt | gt
  • targetValue: string | number | string[] | number[]
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > Time
"type": "time",
"operator": "after",
"targetValue": 1643070357193

Environment Tier

  • type: environment_tier
  • operator: any | none
  • targetValue: development | staging | production
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > Environment Tier
"type": "environment_tier",
"targetValue": "production"

User in Segment

  • type: passes_segment
  • operator: null
  • targetValue: segment_id
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > User in Segment
"type": "passes_segment",
"targetValue": "growth_org"

User not in Segment

  • type: fails_segment
  • operator: null
  • targetValue: segment_id
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > User not in Segment
"type": "fails_segment",
"targetValue": "growth_org"

IP Address

  • type: ip_address
  • operator: any | none
  • targetValue: string | string[]
  • Learn more at Feature Flags > Conditions > IP address
"type": "ip_address",
"operator": "any",
"targetValue": ["", ""]