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Walkthrough guide for Gate Management with CLI


The walkthrough guide assumes you have Statsig CLI installed and configured with the right API keys. Please refer to the Statsig CLI Overview to get started

Create a new gate

You can create a new empty gate with no rules by calling create command on gates

$ siggy gates create my-first-gate

# Response
id: 'my-first-gate',
name: 'my-first-gate',
description: '',
idType: 'userID',
lastModifierID: '..',

Update new rules

New rules could be updated by passing a rule object to the update command. This will replace the existing rules as a whole.

$ siggy gates update my-first-gate '{
"rules": [
"name": "all employees",
"passPercentage": 100,
"conditions": [
"type": "email",
"operator": "str_contains_any",
"targetValue": [

# Response
id: 'my-first-gate',
name: 'my-first-gate',
rules: [
id: '729Qb4MVDs0YrIjNR5aOSm',
name: 'all employees',
passPercentage: 100,
conditions: [
type: 'email',
targetValue: [ '' ],
operator: 'str_contains_any'

Check if the gate works

When the Client API key is configured correctly, you can invoke the gate for different users and validate the gate works

Passing in no user object will create an empty user object and evaluate the gate against that

$ siggy gates check my-first-gate

# Response
name: 'my-first-gate',
value: false,
rule_id: 'default',
group_name: null

You can also pass a user object crafted as JSON using the --user option

$ siggy gates check my-first-gate --user '{ "email": "" }'

# Response
name: 'my-first-gate',
value: true,
rule_id: '729Qb4MVDs0YrIjNR5aOSm',
group_name: null

List all gates

$  siggy gates list

# Response
id: 'my-first-gate',
name: 'my-first-gate',
lastModifiedTime: 1718222637700,
lastModifierName: 'CONSOLE API'
id: 'from_siggy',
name: 'from_siggy',
lastModifiedTime: 1717807438090,
lastModifierName: 'CONSOLE API'

Delete gate

You could also delete this gate via the CLI. By default there is a confirmation prompt that requires interaction.

$ siggy gates delete my-first-gate

# Response
Are you sure you want to delete gate (id: my-first-gate)? (y/n):

You could override it by using the --force option.

$ siggy gates delete my-first-gate --force

# Response
Gate deleted successfully.