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SDK autogenerated metrics

In addition to automatic exposure logging, the statsig-js sdk logs events to help diagnose the impact of new features.

This automatic logging is controlled via the StatsigOptions parameter to initialize - if you'd like to disable this behavior, you can turn on the disableErrorLogging or disableAutoMetricsLogging flags.


If this event is not disabled, the sdk will listen for javascript errors, and log an event to Statsig. This can help you analyze if a new feature or experiment is causing an increase in client side exceptions

See the code snippet here

To disable, set disableErrorLogging to true in StatsigOptions.


If this event is not disabled, the sdk will log an event to Statsig with a few browser performance metrics. This can help you analyze if a new feature or experiment is impacting the performance of your app.

The statsig::app_metrics event value is the entryType as defined on the mdn web docs.

The event metadata has three fields, derived from a navigationEntry on window.navigation

pageLoadTimeMs: navEntry.duration,
domInteractiveMs: navEntry.domInteractive - navEntry.startTime,
redirectCount: navEntry.redirectCount,

See also:

See the code snippet here

To disable, set disableAutoMetricsLogging to true in StatsigOptions.