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Managing Experiments With Terraform

You can create a .tf file (Terraform File) to configure your Statsig experiments. All features of console/v1/experiments are supported. The layout is very similar to the JSON body of a /experiments request.

Requiring the Statsig provider. (You will need to change the version).

terraform {
required_providers {
statsig = {
version = "x.x.x"
source = "statsig-io/statsig"

Basic Example

Creating a basic experiment resource

resource "statsig_experiment" "my_experiment" {
name = "my_experiment"
description = "A short description of what we are experimenting on."
id_type = "userID"
allocation = 10
status = "setup"
groups {
name = "Test Group"
size = 50
parameter_values_json = jsonencode({ "a_string" : "test_string", "a_bool" : true })
groups {
name = "Control Group"
size = 50
parameter_values_json = jsonencode({ "a_string" : "control_string", "a_bool" : false })

Changing Experiment Status

You can update the status field to four possible values, setup, active, decision_made and abandoned.

If you would like to see code examples of how the Setup -> Run -> Ship flow works for an experiment, check out our Terraform Acceptance Tests for experiments.

Status: setup

When an experiment has this status, you are stating that your experiment is not ready, and no values will be served via a Statsig SDK or the HttpAPI.

Status: active

When an experiment has this status, you are marking the experiment as running, and it will start returning values to your users and collecting analytics data.

Status: decision_made

When an experiment has this status, you are stating that your experiment is complete and you have picked an experiment group that you would like to ship. Changing to this state will require the launched_group_id field to be set will the GroupID found on

Status: abandoned

Experiments with this status will not serve any values and will not collect any analytics information.

  • You may only create an experiment with the status "setup" or "active".

  • You can only transition to "decision_made" from "active".

A full experiment example is included in the open source Github repo