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8 docs tagged with "Statsig Cloud"

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Statsig’s dashboards are the most effective way to consume, share, and save the insights that matter most for your product. Metrics Explorer is how you start creating insights; dashboards are where those insights can live in an ongoing capacity to be absorbed by the entire team.


Distribution charts in Metric Explorer help you visualize the range of user experiences across your product. These charts are a great way to generalize central tendencies, evaluate product health, and identify outlying behavior.

Funnel Charts

Funnel Charts in Metrics Explorer provide a granular understanding of what portion of users completing each step of a journey you define through your product or service. These charts are useful for understanding user behavior, identifying bottlenecks, and helping you develop insight-driven product changes that help users convert through your product more successfully.

Retention Chart

Retention charts in Metrics Explorer help you understand how effectively your product or service maintains user interest and engagement over time. It’s a great way to measure product-market fit and critical for overall product growth.

Statsig Product Analytics Overview

Statsig product analytics helps you understand how your users experience and interact with your product through the analysis of product data. Metrics Explorer and Dashboards are the primary product analytics surfaces within Statsig.

Statsig Web Analytics Overview

Web analytics lets you track and watch key measures for your website easily. It is different from product analytics because it's simpler and more direct, making it great for marketers, web site maintainers, or anyone familiar with tools like Google Analytics.

User Journeys

The User Journeys chart shows you the many paths users are taking through your product so you can better understand the end-user experience.