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Okta SCIM Provisioning

This guide outlines the process for setting up SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) integration between Statsig and Okta. This integration allows for automated user provisioning and management.


  • An Okta account with admin access
  • A SCIM Key from Statsig. Contact us to request for a new SCIM key.

Step 1: Create a New App Integration in Okta

  • Log in to your Okta admin console
  • Navigate to Applications > Applications > Create App Integration
  • Select "SWA - Secure Web Authentication"


Step 2: Configure App Settings

  • Set the App name to "Statsig SCIM"
  • Enter a placeholder URL for the App Login Page (this is a required field but not used for SCIM)


Step 3: Enable SCIM Provisioning

  • After creating the integration, go to the "General" tab
  • Click on "Edit" in the "Provisioning" section
  • Enable "SCIM Provisioning"


Step 4: Configure SCIM Settings

  • Navigate to the "Provisioning" tab
  • Set the SCIM connector base URL to:
  • Set "Unique identifier field for users" to "userName"
  • Enable
    • Import New Users and Profile Update
    • Push New Users
    • Push Profile Updates
    • Push Groups
  • Set the authentication mode to "HTTP Header"
  • For the authorization header, use the SCIM Bearer token provided to you by statsig


Step 5: Configure Okta to Statsig Settings

  • Enable "Create Users"
  • Enable "Update User Attributes"
  • Enable "Deactivate Users"


Step 6: Import Existing Statsig Users and Groups

  • In Okta, go to the Statsig app's "Import" tab
  • Click "Import Now" to fetch existing Statsig users and groups
  • Process the imported users as needed


Step 7: Manage User Assignments

  • Use the "Assignments" tab in Okta to add or remove users from Statsig
  • Adding a user assignment in Okta will create the user in Statsig, while removing the assignment will deactivate the user's Statsig account


Step 8: Push Groups to Statsig

  1. In Okta, go to the Statsig Integration's "Push Groups" tab img

  2. Click the settings button and disable "Rename Groups" img

  3. Click "Push Groups" and select the method for finding groups in Okta. img

  4. Type in and select the Okta group that will push to a Statsig Project x Role Group. img

  5. Change "Match Result & Push Action" to "Link Group" img

  6. Select the Statsig Project x Role Group that the Okta group will push to. We display the Statsig Project x Role Group with the format Statsig-<Project Name>-<Role Name> on Okta. img

  7. Then link the Okta group to a Statsig Project x Role Group. On save the group should push to Statsig. All future group changes on Okta will be pushed to Statsig. img

Important Notes

  • User email management is not enabled on SCIM yet.
  • The Org Owner cannot be removed via SCIM, it will throw an error. This is prevent accidents on the Okta side.
  • When a user is removed from Statsig, they will be automatically unassigned in Okta. Conversely, if a user is unassigned or deactivated in Okta, they will be removed from the Statsig Organization.


  • Ensure the SCIM Bearer token is correctly entered and has not expired
  • Check Okta's System Log for any synchronization errors
  • Verify that user attributes are correctly mapped between Okta and Statsig

For further assistance, please contact Statsig support.