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Rules and Rule IDs

The diagnostics stream is meant to be used for debugging your integration, and understanding which groups a user is being bucketed into. The following defines the different Rules you will see, and what they mean.

| **Rule** | **Meaning** |
| Not started | The experiment has not been started, so the allocation groups are not determined yet |
| Holdout | The user is in a holdout that this experiment references, so they are not in the experiment |
| Layer Assignment | The user is not allocated to this experiment because they are bucketed to a different part of the Layer |
| Targeting Gate | The user does not meet the requirements for the targeting gate |
| Not Allocated | The user is not allocated to this experiment because they do not meet the rollout % |
| {group name}{override name} | The user was forcefully bucketed into a given group by an experiment override |
| {group name} | The user was bucketed into this experiment group |
| Abandoned | "Make Decision" selected the control group. This experiment has been abandoned. |
| {group name} (Launched) | "Make Decision" selected this group as the launch group, so the user is seeing the launched experience. |